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中华心脏与心律电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 212 -218. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-6568.2024.04.004


吴铸衡1, 谢林1, 吕璟2, 赁可1,()   
  1. 1.610041 成都,四川大学华西医院心脏大血管外科
    2.610041 成都,四川大学华西医院麻醉手术中心
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-06 出版日期:2024-12-25
  • 通信作者: 赁可

Early results of Ross procedure in children and adolescents

Zhuheng Wu1, Lin Xie1, Jing Lyu2, Ke Lin1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041,China
    2.Anesthesia Surgery Center, West China Hospital, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2023-10-06 Published:2024-12-25
  • Corresponding author: Ke Lin

吴铸衡, 谢林, 吕璟, 赁可. Ross术在儿童及青少年中应用的早期效果[J/OL]. 中华心脏与心律电子杂志, 2024, 12(04): 212-218.

Zhuheng Wu, Lin Xie, Jing Lyu, Ke Lin. Early results of Ross procedure in children and adolescents[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Heart and Heart Rhythm(Electronic Edition), 2024, 12(04): 212-218.


探究儿童及青少年中自体肺动脉瓣移植术(Ross 术)的早期矫治效果,初步探索患者的术后结局与手术策略间的关联。


连续纳入四川大学华西医院2019年1月至2023年9月行Ross 术的儿童及青少年患者,收集患者主动脉瓣病变类型、程度等术前基线资料,手术方式、手术时间等术中资料及主动脉瓣反流程度、跨瓣压差等术后随访资料,并进行了数据汇总及分析。


共24例儿童及青少年患者接受了Ross术,年龄(12.6±6.4)岁,其中男占50.0%(12/24)。17(70.8%,17/24)例患者为主动脉瓣二叶式畸形,主动脉瓣狭窄为主要的瓣膜病变类型(45.8%,11/24)。12(50.0%,12/24)例患者采用根部置换策略,10(41.7%,10/24)例采用冠状动脉(冠脉)下再植策略,另有2例分别采用外部加固策略和嵌套策略。围手术期未发生死亡事件,根部置换组手术时间显著长于冠脉下再植组[(487.5±106.7) min 对(382.1±57.2) min,P=0.027],但两组在阻断时间、体外循环时间及重症监护室住院时间方面差异无统计学意义。患者术后随访时间为(20.4±17.9)个月,所有患者均生存。术后17(70.8%,17/24)例患者为心功能Ⅰ级[纽约心脏协会(NYHA)分级],5(20.8%,5/24)例为心功能Ⅱ级,2(8.3%,2/24)例为心功能Ⅲ级。术后患者主动脉瓣前向血流速度为(1.3±0.4) m/s,无患者存在中度及以上主动脉瓣反流。术后患者肺动脉瓣前向血流速度为(2.3±1.0)m/s,2(8.3,2/24%)例患者存在中度及以上肺动脉瓣反流(均为Gore-Tex 带瓣管道重建)。3(12.5%,3/24)例患者分别于术后9、10 及30 个月接受右心再手术。


Ross 术可在儿童及青少年中取得较为理想的早期效果。除手术时间外,根部置换组和冠脉下再植组的矫治结局无明显差异。在右心室流出道的重建方面,应慎重选择重建材料以降低再手术风险。


To explore the early outcomes of pulmonary autograft replacement procedure (Ross procedure) in children and adolescents in our center, and the relationship between postoperative outcomes and surgical strategies.


Children and adolescents who underwent Ross surgery in West China Hospital, Sichuan University from January 2019 to September 2023 were continuously included. Baseline data such as the type and severity of patients' aortic valve lesions,intraoperative data such as surgical strategies and time, and postoperative follow-up data such as the degree of aortic regurgitation and transvalvular pressure gradients were retrospectively collected and statistical analyzed.


A total number of 24 children and adolescents received Ross procedure in our center, and their mean age was (12.6 ± 6.4) years, and 12 (50.0%,12/24) of them were male. 17 patients (70.8%,17/24) had a bicuspid aortic valve, and aortic stenosis was the main pathological change of the aortic valve (11/24, 45.8%). 12 patients (50.0%,12/24) received the Ross procedure with the Root replacement technique, and 10 (41.7%,10/24) with the Subcoronary technique, while the other 2 with reinforcement technique and Inclusion technique respectively.There was no perioperative death, the operative time of Root replacement group was significantly longer than that of the Subcoronary group [(487.5 ± 106.7) min vs. (382.1 ± 57.2) min, P=0.027],while the corss-clamp time, bypass time and intensive care unit(ICU), stay were comparable between groups. The mean follow-up time was (20.4 ± 17.9) months, with no late mortality. 17 patients (70.8%,17/24) were classified as New York Heart Association Ⅰ, and 5 (20.8%,5/24) were classified as New York Heart Association(NYHA) Ⅱ, while it was NYHA Ⅲ for the other 2 (8.3%).Postoperative antegrade flow velocity for aortic valve was (1.3 ± 0.4) m/s, and no patient developed moderate or more aortic regurgitation postoperatively. Postoperative antegrade flow velocity for pulmonary valve was (2.3 ± 1.0) m/s, and there were 2 patients who developed moderate or more pulmonary regurgitation postoperatively (both patients' right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction was performed with Gore-Tex valved conduits). Three patients received reoperation due to right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit failure at 9, 10 and 30 months after surgery respectively.


Ross procedure can achieve a fairly promising early outcome among children and adolescents. Except for the longer surgical time in the Root replacement group, the outcomes of Root replacement group and Subcoronary group are comparable. The material used in right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction should be carefully selected to avoid undesired reoperation.

表1 24例Ross术儿童及青少年患者基线资料
表2 24例Ross术儿童及青少年患者手术资料
表3 24例Ross术儿童及青少年患者随访资料
图1 Ross术后患者免于再手术曲线
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